Monday, April 18, 2011

Sorry about the delay

Yeah, I promised I would do this on a regular basis but I got busy with everything around here.  So to update everyone what is going on;  the big news is that we are expecting our 3rd child on October 21, 2011.  I am real excited again to be a father.  I can't wait to start out new and redo everything all over again.  I don't care what this one is either but it will change the balance of power in our house hold.  Right now it is even at 2 a piece.  This is the deal breaker.  In other twin news, X man has all of his teeth and all before the age of 2.  That is just insane.  Thumper has about 2 more teeth yet to come in.  We are also coming up on the age of 2 we are only 2 months away and we have not even thought of a theme this year.  We are looking at Elmo and Cookie Monster or Cars, seeing as they like both themes. Another big milestone that we have reached with the twinkies is that they are learning their letters, numbers, and colors.  It is amazing how fast they are catching on and learning them all.  They can both identify 2, 5, and 9.  They can say all of the numbers if you tell them and the same goes for the alphabet.  They know a few of the letters already just by looking at them and the phonetic sound as well. 
  It has really impressed me with how much they know already before the age of two.  I just hope we can stay with it with they little one coming in October.  I believe the biggest reason and factor for this is that we read to them constantly and also point out and tell them everything they want to know. We don't do "baby words" we use normal words you would use everyday.  As a former teacher, it amazes me how much working with your kids helps them prepare for everything and it isn't hard.  I believed this as a teacher and now seeing that I interact with my kids how much they have grasp.  I hate when parents use the excuse I don't have time.  Really!?! Don't have time for your kids but yet you have time to play facebook games or your iPhone., but you can't take 15 minutes to read to your kids and point stuff out to them.  I hate laziness 
 In other things going on with us.  Crazytwinmomma is really enjoying her job at the hospital now.  We are all glad she is no longer at that private practice anymore.  My wrestling has really kicked up a notch.  I am wrestling more weekends.  In fact, more than I thought I would.  I am having a blast doing it but it is making me want to push harder at it and to want to be more in shape so that I am "noticed" by some of the bigger named companies out there. 
  Well it felt good to post and I promise now to that I will try to post once a week or once every two weeks.  Till the next time. 
I don't have insanity it is twinsanity.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Year.

So a new year has started and I am excited as ever.  The twinkies are in full speed mode as always.  X man is cutting in his final 4 teeth all at once.  This is nothing new, he once had 8 coming in at once.  Thumper is having one of her final four come in too.  So there is a lot of drooling and whinyness happening in the household. 
So since the last time I blogged we all took a trip to Atlanta to go to the Alpha Phi Omega national conventation that my wife and I are a part of.  This was also the first major vacation that we took the twinkies on as well.  The trip down there was great they all had a great time and they loved watching all of the Nick Jr. and Sprout classics like Yo Gabba Gabba, Wonder Pets, The Wiggles, and Dora.  The twinkies I believe were also a big hit at the convention.  X man was running all over the place and of course being the ladies' man that he is.  Thumper took to being talkative and just being a chilled little girl.  The twinkies got to see the Georgia Aquarium and the city of Atlanta.  They really enjoyed it.  The only major issue was driving home.  About 30 to 45 mintues from home X man decided to have a major meltdown in the car.  The only thing that was calming him down was me rubbing his head while I was driving.  Luckily, I am tall enough to do both and keep my eyes on the road. 
Since coming home the twinkies have increased their appetite a lot.  They are either going through a huge growth spurt or just always hungry.  Another first for the twinkies was that I was able to take them to their first NCAA wrestling match.. They loved it and where able to cheer on my friend.  The kids actually stop what they are doing and just watch him wrestle.  The funniest thing is when we get home for the meets.  X man decides he is going to try out his new found love of wrestling on his sister.  She doesn't care because she wrestles him right back.  I think I am creating some bad habits. 
I am really looking forward to the things that are to come with my toddler twinkies.  I am just ready for this coldness to end so I can take them out for longer walks and to actually enjoy going to the park and playing with them finally. 
Time to get off the computer and clean some more of the house.  I will keep eveyone posted on the goings on here.  Feel free to comment and follow me.  I am on twitter at